We love Hanoi, pure and simple. There is obvious French influenced architechture, food and lovely accents but so far no terrible traffic circles! Hanoi is quartered off and we are in the "Old Quarter." It is shopping paradise and we are all sorry we spent so much in HCMC. Hanoi is proud of it's 'made in Vietnam' crafts and the streets in our section are kind of labeled as to the product sold on them. We are apparently on SHOE STREET because almost every vendor sells SHOES! Enjoy this little taste of Hanoi.
Cynthia has found work here , good thing she loves Rambutans,
Yes, This is what you imagine it might be...I was dying to say "I hate your guts" outloud- or did I?

Even guts need to be attractively arranged for full effect.
Thank goodness
Thai likes GREENS
If children do not have hats on in the street you are verbally scolded. , top Thai's pick
bottom mommy's pick.
Life immitates art or what Vietnamese really think of American children.
A short walking tour of Hanoi with a happy ending.
Totally unrelated clip I
This is too weird-Thai starts singing when we are out walking not softly to himself but really loudly in Vietnamese. No, we don't know what he is saying but we already sent a clip to A.I.