Lina and her new brother! Aren't they adorable together?!
Thai Starts to Meets the Family!
One happy little boy!
He is coming HOME!
Cynthia has found work here , good thing she loves Rambutans,
Yes, This is what you imagine it might be...I was dying to say "I hate your guts" outloud- or did I?
If children do not have hats on in the street you are verbally scolded. , top Thai's pick
A short walking tour of Hanoi with a happy ending.
Totally unrelated clip I
This is too weird-Thai starts singing when we are out walking not softly to himself but really loudly in Vietnamese. No, we don't know what he is saying but we already sent a clip to A.I.
These were some type of bitter cucumber that ended up on our plates moments later. Very yum.
This little guy below was very grateful that no one in our party ate pork. He was an adorable potbellied pig- An authentic Vietnamese potbellied pig, I'd guess. His mother was not happy about the attention he was getting- Can you believe people keep these things as pets in the U.S? I bet our hosts would be quite amused by this.
What we know about Thanh Thai after 2 days
1) He likes to brush his teeth
2) He likes to dance
3) He knows how to go potty in the right place
4) He can use choptsticks!
5) He loves noodles
6) He learned to drink from a water bottle yesterday
7) He is definately 2 years old
8) He loves shoes, especially his orange crocs
9) He knows how to turn the t.v. off and on, change the channels and make it really really loud
10) He is learning English faster than we are learning Vietnamese
11) He likes to play catch
12) He does NOT like elevators
13) He and his sister Lina are going to have a blast together